Home Knihy Cizojazyčné knihy Shadow of the Wolf - James Barwick
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Shadow of the Wolf - James Barwick

Hlavní město Praha
16. 11. 2020 - 10:23
49 Kč


Kniha v angličtině
James Barwick - Shadow of the Wolf - 49,- Kč

May 10, 1941. The most powerful man in Hitler\'s Germany parachutes into Scotland. When captured he gives his name as Alfred Horn. The real Alfred Horn proceeds to England and America and presents secret German documents to those who could prevent the Second World War. But too many people want that was, and now, they want Horn dead. Here is a heart-stopping Nazi thriller, a high-speed chase across England and America, a novel of one man\'s attempt to negotiate peace before the was even begins and the chilling consequences of his failure.

Kontaktní e-mail: gideon.l@seznam.cz

Shadow of the Wolf - James Barwick

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