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SLASH with anthony bozza

1. 2. 2024 - 22:20 (upraveno)
110 Kč


From one of the greatest rock guitarists of our era comes a memoir that redefines sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll.

For the first time ever, Slash tells the tale that has yet to be told from the inside: how the legendary band Guns N' Roses came together, how they wrote the music that defined an era, how they survived insane, never-ending tours, how they survived themselves, and, ultimately, how it all fell apart. Slash is a window into the world of the notoriously private guitarist and a front seat on the roller-coaster ride that was one of history's greatest rock 'n' roll machines, always on the edge of self-destruction, even at the pinnacle of its success. Slash is everything Slash is: funny, honest, ingenious, inspiring, jaw-dropping . . . and, in a word, excessive.

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110 Kč

SLASH with anthony bozza

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